Pictures and Words

by Barbara Martin

in Creative Juice

Here is your TGIF procrastination destination; you know, you need to get some inspirational inflow to feed the beast of creativity. Fodder for story and song, springboard for odd thoughts, and cause for the occasional guffaw (or tear.) And, you too may participate/contribute if you wish. Or maybe just photoshop your own for a screensaver […]

Reading deprivation is the infamous main event during Week 4 of The Artist’s Way program, based on the iconic book by Julia Cameron. The thing about reading and other similar inputs we add to fill up our lives — such as internet browsing, on-line media consumption, listening to talk radio, mindless television viewing, overly long, […]

In week three of the creativity program outlined in The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron encourages recovering or emerging creatives to discover a sense of power. One of the sources for that power is anger. How Angry Are You? You might not think you are angry at all. I certainly didn’t realize how angry I […]

I love HELLO-my-name-is-Scott the name tag guy. He is over the top energy. His Scott tv cracks me up. And he writes tons of cool lists. He just did one on how to out-creativity your competition. (Some days, his lists just make me tired.) Which item on this list is a hot button for you? […]

In my post describing the Artist’s Way Morning Pages, I mentioned Julia Cameron also prescribes a second creativity tool, a companion to the morning pages, in her remarkable book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity. Where the morning pages are a way of expressing yourself and getting focus, this second tool is a […]

Seth Godin is talking about beauty today, and ultimately seems to equate it with expensive. I’m not so sure about that. In nature, as he notes, there are reasons for improved symmetry or colorful plumage and resulting preference. But when he gets to talking about architecture, as in an expansive atrium is beautiful because it […]

In her wildly popular and enduring book The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Julia Cameron recommends two tools for creative people. The first tool is to hand write — without stopping — three pages off the top of your head first thing every morning. This process is commonly referred to by Artist’s […]

Every creative person faces fears and doubts, and every creative person has their own version of this list of excuses why they can’t create today or this week or this year or in this lifetime. (If I’ve missed your favorite crutch reason, add it in the comments!) But if you take the time to look […]