After my earlier post on toxic friendships feeding into self doubt among creative types, I promised to explore Julia Cameron’s so-called Crazymakers. These are the people she identifies, in her creativity book entitled The Artist’s Way, as: “those personalities that create storm centers. They are often charismatic, frequently charming, highly inventive, and powerfully persuasive. And […]

In week 2 of her creative discovery course The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron helps you discover or rediscover your sense of identity as a creative person. She points out that as we begin to redevelop our creative self, it can feel threatening or erratic. As we begin to nurture our creativity, self-doubt and criticism can […]

In my last post I talked about how negative stereotypes and beliefs can lead to those dreaded creative blocks and how awareness can help to limit the fear we feel about creating. Another terrific weapon in your arsenal against creative blocking is to use affirmations. More Creativity Tips from Julia Cameron Julia Cameron, author of […]

If you need a little helping hand or boost to improve your creativity, you might want to consider getting some support through The Artist’s Way or a similar creativity workshop, group or course. The reason I’m asking right now is that toward the end of January it seems like new year’s resolutions start falling like […]

In her tremendously supportive book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron explores many issues of importance to blocked creatives. One of the first is dealing with negative stereotypes about creative people. Negative Stereotypes of Creative People Now whether you are aware of this or not, you have probably internalized some negative beliefs about artists, musicians, writers, […]

In my post describing the Artist’s Way Morning Pages, I mentioned Julia Cameron also prescribes a second creativity tool, a companion to the morning pages, in her remarkable book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity. Where the morning pages are a way of expressing yourself and getting focus, this second tool is a […]

In her wildly popular and enduring book The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Julia Cameron recommends two tools for creative people. The first tool is to hand write — without stopping — three pages off the top of your head first thing every morning. This process is commonly referred to by Artist’s […]