Creativity is a hungry beast and if the artist doesn’t feed it right, the result is implosion, artistic anorexia. Feed your creativity a steady diet of input – besides the weekly Artist Date recommended in the Artist’s Way program, also give it “creative solitude” or what Julia Cameron describes as taking the time to do […]

In chapter five of the landmark creativity book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Julia Cameron discusses some unexpected reasons for how and why creative people stay blocked or stuck. For example, we may unintentionally limit what we can achieve by ruling out an idea as crazy or impossible — when in […]

Reading deprivation is the infamous main event during Week 4 of The Artist’s Way program, based on the iconic book by Julia Cameron. The thing about reading and other similar inputs we add to fill up our lives — such as internet browsing, on-line media consumption, listening to talk radio, mindless television viewing, overly long, […]

In week three of the creativity program outlined in The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron encourages recovering or emerging creatives to discover a sense of power. One of the sources for that power is anger. How Angry Are You? You might not think you are angry at all. I certainly didn’t realize how angry I […]

After my earlier post on toxic friendships feeding into self doubt among creative types, I promised to explore Julia Cameron’s so-called Crazymakers. These are the people she identifies, in her creativity book entitled The Artist’s Way, as: “those personalities that create storm centers. They are often charismatic, frequently charming, highly inventive, and powerfully persuasive. And […]

In week 2 of her creative discovery course The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron helps you discover or rediscover your sense of identity as a creative person. She points out that as we begin to redevelop our creative self, it can feel threatening or erratic. As we begin to nurture our creativity, self-doubt and criticism can […]

There are lots of different tips and tricks for getting past writer’s block. Sometimes there is something to be said for getting down and dirty, as in do whatever it takes to get that puppy done NOW. Or at least get it started, get something on the page. So here’s where a free service like […]

In my last post I talked about how negative stereotypes and beliefs can lead to those dreaded creative blocks and how awareness can help to limit the fear we feel about creating. Another terrific weapon in your arsenal against creative blocking is to use affirmations. More Creativity Tips from Julia Cameron Julia Cameron, author of […]

In her tremendously supportive book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron explores many issues of importance to blocked creatives. One of the first is dealing with negative stereotypes about creative people. Negative Stereotypes of Creative People Now whether you are aware of this or not, you have probably internalized some negative beliefs about artists, musicians, writers, […]

Roz Chast is a cartoonist whose work has been published in THE NEW YORKER many, many times over several decades. This six minute interview reveals some of her feelings about her work, including the shockingly BIG file cabinet full of rejected drawings! She also talks about where she finds her inspiration and how she feels […]