Time to fess up, Reptitude is a made up word. Short version: It’s audacity with a little integrity thrown in. Plus creative sparks and some honest hard work for good measure. Long version: I first heard the word on the USA Network television comedy and mystery series Psych It was used to describe the extreme […]

Roz Chast is a cartoonist whose work has been published in THE NEW YORKER many, many times over several decades. This six minute interview reveals some of her feelings about her work, including the shockingly BIG file cabinet full of rejected drawings! She also talks about where she finds her inspiration and how she feels […]

It’s inauguration day so we are all on national holiday and celebrating hope and change. This is exciting. Seems like a new beginning in so many ways! Congratulations to our new President Obama! Since today is also a Tuesay, I want to ask you something a little less uplifting: Do you just sort of hope […]

In my post describing the Artist’s Way Morning Pages, I mentioned Julia Cameron also prescribes a second creativity tool, a companion to the morning pages, in her remarkable book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity. Where the morning pages are a way of expressing yourself and getting focus, this second tool is a […]

Seth Godin is talking about beauty today, and ultimately seems to equate it with expensive. I’m not so sure about that. In nature, as he notes, there are reasons for improved symmetry or colorful plumage and resulting preference. But when he gets to talking about architecture, as in an expansive atrium is beautiful because it […]

Every creative person faces fears and doubts, and every creative person has their own version of this list of excuses why they can’t create today or this week or this year or in this lifetime. (If I’ve missed your favorite crutch reason, add it in the comments!) But if you take the time to look […]