Faith and the Artists Way

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity

In the twelfth and final week of The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron reiterates the importance of using the two “tools” — the weekly recreational inner artist and soul-feeding Artist Date and the daily routine of meditational Morning Pages – as prescribed in the book. She also emphasizes the “inherently mysterious spiritual heart of creativity” […]

If you have ever said I’m “too old” to chase my dream or too this or too that … I have two words for you: Susan Boyle. We have all kinds of rational and irrational reasons to justify why we can’t create today or this week or whatever. But sometimes, even though all that may […]

In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron points out that creativity is a full bodied, sensual experience to be celebrated. Heightening or intensifying the physical effects of your immediate environment to enrich the sensory experience will help honor, affirm and trigger your creativity. Your Creativity is Worthy of a Special Place Setting aside a specific room […]

Creativity expert Julia Cameron, writing in her creativity manual “The Artist’s Way”, notes that blocked creative types resort to an addictive cocktail of blocks: obsessions with work, food, alcohol, sex or love and more, in whatever form is handy to soothe us. These feel-good-for-the-moment behaviors are essentially creative U-turns made to alleviate fear. Many Different […]

Dream Do Create

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity, How to Tips

Estee Lauder said, “First comes the shy wish. Then you must have the heart to have the dream. Then, you work. And work.” A similar thing could be said about the creative process. You might have an initial inspiration, a spark, an idea, a feeling. But to bring that creativity to life, you must take […]

Too Old to Create

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity, How to Tips

In Chapter 8 of The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron labels the belief “I’m too old to create” excuse a “Great Block Lie” and considers it on a par with that other old saw, “I don’t have money for it.” Using the “too old” excuse is so convenient. And the longer you wait to begin, the […]

According to Julia Cameron, we need to take the pain of artistic losses or failures and ask: “How does this loss serve me? Where does it point my work?” What if you could turn that pain into creative energy to recover and keep moving forward? What if you could use a painful creative loss to […]

Get Into Creative Flow

by Barbara Martin

in How to Tips

Author and creativity expert Julia Cameron explains that creating should not be a difficult process of thinking something up; instead it is a way of “getting something down” and doing so without strain. Some people might call this being in a state of creative flow. Plumbing the Deep Well of Creativity Instead of thinking desperately […]

In good times as well as in bad, our beliefs about money can restrain our creativity. Do you, like many creative types, feel it is inevitable to be struggling and broke because we want to be an artist, actor, writer, musician, fill in the blank instead of working at a “real” job? Do you think […]


by Barbara Martin

in Creative Juice, Random

Speaking of not reading for a week, check out this glib little three panel at Wondermark by David Malki !. OOoh lala. If you enjoyed this post, why not leave a comment below or share it with a friend — use the handy share button.