Faith and the Artists Way

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity

In the twelfth and final week of The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron reiterates the importance of using the two “tools” — the weekly recreational inner artist and soul-feeding Artist Date and the daily routine of meditational Morning Pages – as prescribed in the book. She also emphasizes the “inherently mysterious spiritual heart of creativity” […]

Creative U Turn

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity

Each time I’ve come through The Artist’s Way Chapter 8, I find myself on the verge of precisely what author Julia Cameron addresses in Chapter 9: making a dastardly Creative U-Turn. It’s likely you’ll find yourself in the same risky situation because it’s not unusual! The Artist’s Way Process The ninth chapter of this powerful […]

Dream Do Create

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity, How to Tips

Estee Lauder said, “First comes the shy wish. Then you must have the heart to have the dream. Then, you work. And work.” A similar thing could be said about the creative process. You might have an initial inspiration, a spark, an idea, a feeling. But to bring that creativity to life, you must take […]

According to Julia Cameron, many creative people spend years mislabeling themselves. When we do not create the way we think we should, we label ourselves lazy when in fact we are blocked by fear. The way past fear, asserts Cameron, is through love for your inner artist. Your inner artist is like a child in […]

“Filling the form” means to respect the creative process by making the commitment each day to take the next required step, and then the next step after that. We simply make small changes and take small actions right now where we are, with what we have available, to ultimately shift the trajectory of our creative […]

Too Old to Create

by Barbara Martin

in Creativity, How to Tips

In Chapter 8 of The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron labels the belief “I’m too old to create” excuse a “Great Block Lie” and considers it on a par with that other old saw, “I don’t have money for it.” Using the “too old” excuse is so convenient. And the longer you wait to begin, the […]

Creativity is a hungry beast and if the artist doesn’t feed it right, the result is implosion, artistic anorexia. Feed your creativity a steady diet of input – besides the weekly Artist Date recommended in the Artist’s Way program, also give it “creative solitude” or what Julia Cameron describes as taking the time to do […]

Reading deprivation is the infamous main event during Week 4 of The Artist’s Way program, based on the iconic book by Julia Cameron. The thing about reading and other similar inputs we add to fill up our lives — such as internet browsing, on-line media consumption, listening to talk radio, mindless television viewing, overly long, […]

Julia Cameron is a firm proponent of Synchronicity and she discusses it at length in the third chapter of her creativity book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, in the context of a creative person recovering a sense of power. According to Cameron, synchronicity is a source of power whether you believe […]

Time to fess up, Reptitude is a made up word. Short version: It’s audacity with a little integrity thrown in. Plus creative sparks and some honest hard work for good measure. Long version: I first heard the word on the USA Network television comedy and mystery series Psych It was used to describe the extreme […]